Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

-We're a year by jan 29'th 2012-

my lovely dear

today is one day minus jan 29th 2012 :p

do u remember?
one year ago we've decided to walk together on this way
and now.. we're a year :')

january is the month of love for us
that Allah has sent a guardian angel for me
is U..

u're knew that we haven't exactly the date of our relationship
so i do write on my blog now
not on jan 29th :D
still same that i wanna memorized our meeting last year

For U..
thanks for everything
you've gave me so much love and happines
you've showed me how deep is ur love
I can't really imagine that our relationship will lasts this long, though so many misunderstanding, petty quarrels because of our ego, and the most of all is the distance between us
May us continue to bring out the best for each other, continue to make a beautiful memories, and also continue to be each other strength in every step of life.
And don't let the past ruin our present life.

Happy first anniversary,
I love you as much now as I ever did before.
with love
ucci <3

1 komentar:

  1. Dear my lovely Uci
    Ay,,makasih selama ini ayank juga udah sabar bgt dengan jarak hubungan ini,,:)
    kalau ayank kangen,sedih mas juga ay,,,mas sebnrnya pgnn bgtt ada di dket ayank setiap saat,menemani ayank setiap saat,,

    Alhamduulah dan g nyangka mas udah kenal ayank hampir 1 tahun lebih,,mas seneng ayy bisa jalanin itu semua bareng ayank,,bbnyk kesalahphman,ketidakmengertian,dll yang semua itu menjadi cobban hubungan kita,,

    Ay mas berharap ini,bukan hanya tahun ini,tahun depan ato thun lusa,,tpi mas pgn seterusnya bisa jalin hubungan ma ayankk,,bisa mewjudkan mimpi mas yang sederhana ini bareng ayank,,mas pgn ayank yng jadi pendamping mas,,Aamiin Ya Rabalallamin...:)

    Ay mas sayng bgt ma ayankk,,luvv uu Happy Aniversary ya hunn :* muachh
